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Kampmann GmbH & Co. KG

Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 128-130
49811 Lingen (Ems), GERMANY

Kampmann - HVAC Air Conditioning Concepts

Kampmann is a system provider for high-quality, energy-efficient ventilation and air conditioning systems and market leader in the field of  wall- and ceiling-mounted FAN COILS and floor-mounted TRENCH CONVECTORS. WATERBASED HVAC SYSTEMS, and AIR OUTLETS, CENTRAL AND DECENTRAL VENTILATION, and CHILLED CEILING SYSTEMS are also part of the product range of the manufacturer Kampmann, with its head office and main factory in Lingen (Germany), employing more than 950 people worldwide.

Kampmann has one of the most extensive product portfolios offering comprehensive HVAC system solutions "from one single source".

Main Objectives

  • Heating and Cooling Technology
  • Ventilation Technology
  • Decentral Air Conditioning Units (FCUs)
  • Central Air Handling Units (AHUs)



Ka-Maritim represents an entire new integrated approach for the HVAC fit-out of crew and passenger cabins in the market segment cruise ships. 

It is with great passion that we pursue the concept of offering special and individual air conditioning solutions for the maritime sector.

Kampmann Research & Development Center (FEC)

The basis for innovative product develoments is the 2,000 sqm, multi-functionally equipped Research & Development Center (FEC). In the laboratories, products are not just optimized and new products developed, but also measured and tested according to relevant and up-to-date standards and guide lines.

This ensures binding performance data with which the client can plan precisely and reliably.

Kampmann Support

Kampmann offers its partners high quality support, from the planning up to the commissioning and maintenance, in order to jointly find the optimal solution for the respective project.

The focus is on our core competence areas OFFICE PREMISES, INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS, RETAIL STORES, HOTEL FACILITIES, as well as special HVAC solutions for the MARITIME INDUSTRY.

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